Texas befores…

So… this is awkward… technically it’s still Wednesday tho right?

I realized that I hadn’t shown you all a ton of before pictures on the space in Texas. I, at some point, even had pictures from during construction but somehow I lost them and by lost I mean deleted. Here is a very very before pic:


Look! No house!


Look! House! That’s pretty much all the construction pictures that I have. Sorry. I really AM working on myself….

I got some before’s here and I promise promise promise there will be afters on Friday. DAY. So these pictures obviously happened once construction was completed and while you’ll still get a pretty satisfying before-and-after effect, it won’t be NEARLY as dramatic.


This the stairway that you see directly upon entering.


This is one of two home office spaces.


Master bedroom. It’s so much bigger than it looks here…


Weirdly yellow picture of the master bath…


Living room. This is one of my favorite spaces. Look at all that light!!!!


Now several of the kitchen. We added back-splash, eating area, appliances, etc…


(My blue Rebecca Minkoff purse give me chills, guys. CHILLS.)


This there are more space. SO many more spaces but I haven’t gotten to them all thee are just the pictures I’ll be showing you on FriDAY. Until then?

Love the CRAP outta everything!


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